Home Building 101- In 1979 my Mom and John bought some land not far from Tamworth Farm. They had some architectural drawings done and we began to build our own home. We did have the help of 1 or 2 people who built before, but we just tore into it and got it done. While we were building we lived in a 12 x 8 cabin with a loft. That is 3 teenage boys, 2 adults, and a large black dog named Bianca. During that time, we actually had our friends from High School spend the night with us…as if there was adequate room. We also had a visit from my Uncle Joe’s(the original Goat owner) Buddy because he was on the run…from who? I dont know. But I know he slept in the same cabin with “Snubby” under the pillow. By the way, there was no running water inside, only cold outside, a wood stove for heat and a 2 burner gas thing for cooking. There was also no bathroom, a make-shift outhouse was available, no roof and as I remember it, only 3 sides.